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Why Kailyn?


This story was created immediately after Kailyn went through her own breakup, and thus Lindsay is very based on herself.


Think Jo March of Little Women meets Molly from Booksmart. A weird combo, I know. Does she follow the rules? Yes. But does she hate it? Also yes.


This is a girl looking for a little chaos in the structure, but then freaks out when she has no control over said chaos. Welcome to Lindsay, and welcome to the innermost workings of Kailyn Bondoni.


A breakup, especially in the midst of college, a time in which a person is under so much pressure to have their life under control, can be world altering. To be candid, Kailyn's breakup led to weight loss, manic episodes of work, and lots of angst-ridden poetry. While a relationship certainly does not define a person, losing something so suddenly can really affect someone.


Lindsay as a character does the same. She puts all of her efforts into figuring out how to fix things around her, projecting her relationship issues on figures of history as a way to make things up to herself.


In addition to being oh so relatable through the experience of heartbreak, Kailyn is a fan of poetry, arts, and history. One of her college majors was English, and through her four years at the University of Michigan, she was able to delve a lot deeper into the works of poets and authors such as Shakespeare, Whitman, and Hemingway, two of whom she was so inspired by that she has incorporated their works and persons into her show.


This all being said, with each line being written, Kailyn has found this show has helped her get some sense of closure. It's as if allowing her character to love herself in turn gave Kailyn the permission she needed to heal, and that's what this show is.


It's heart. It's pain. It's love.

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