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Colorful Book Spines

The Inevitable Inevitable

A look into a life as it will happen

The Inevitable Inevitable

There are many things in one's life that can be called 'inevitable', and while not all of them are fun, they are all necessary for growth.


This is what Kailyn Bondoni has learned over her years at college, and she has written an ode to her growing pains in her thesis poetry collection, The Inevitable Inevitable.


Created over her four years, the collection is a culmination of things Kailyn has seen, known, and felt, and in through all of the used tissue boxes and movie stubs collected on her corkboard, she has found that there is something about fighting the world over destiny that is equally painful and rewarding.


Poetry, especially contemporary poetry, has always been a passion of Kailyn's, but it was not until meticulous study of such in college that she fell in love with the way words could burn into paper so white hot that the next person to read it feels the heat.


If there is anything to be gained from her collection, she hopes it is the wisdom of a 22-year-old that might be collected by a young version of herself.


May that little girl know that when she stops her mother in the lobby of a Lifetime gym because her legs hurt so much that she can no longer walk, it is because her legs are getting stronger. They will one day carry the body, mind, and heart of a woman who can look a man in the eye and tell him she does not need him to know how to love herself. 


May that little girl know that the rock she found on the playground is magic. It is a good luck charm. One day she will decide to carve it into a banded stone to wear on her ring finger--not for anyone else but for herself.


May that little girl know love.


Kailyn Bondoni

“Kailyn Bondoni is here”, and she spent her four years in college writing that phrase on the backs of CVS receipts and whispering it into sidewalk gutters, and in her senior year, Kailyn changed her phrase to past tense as she transitioned from school. Kailyn's new mantra, "Kailyn Bondoni was here" now echoes through the campus of the University of Michigan, and her thesis is proof that she existed and did so brightly.

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